Sunday, September 18, 2011

Manifesto: Muhammad Afiq Hassan

Muhammad Afiq Hassan
Muhammad Afiq Hassan
Stevens Institute of Technology

Track Record

-Represented UMNO NY NJ in a meeting with Dato Saifuddin Abdullah of Ministry of Higher Education) at Parliament Malaysia.

-Represented UMNO NY NJ in a meeting with Dato Mahfoz Hamid in requesting funds for Summer Camp UMNO NY NJ 2011.

-Represented UMNO NY NJ during “Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama Anak Yatim” with Dato Sharif, Secretary of KULN Malaysia.

-Presented the budget for Summer Camp to YB Khairy Jamaluddin.

-Spoke in Motivational Talk for Form 5 students at MJSC Kuala Berang

-Speaker for “Life at Oversea” session for form 5 and form 4 students at Premier School of SMK Tengku Intan Zaharah Dungun.

-Leader of Logistic team in ALIF BA TA 2010 in Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey USA.

-Actively involved in local UMNO activity such as Kedai Kopi and ISK programs.

-Student Representative Council of MJSC Kuala Berang

-President Police Cadet MJSC 2007/08

-Quartermaster Red Crescent Society Maahad Muhammadi Lelaki

-State Member for Disaster Department Red Crescent Society Maahad Muhammadi Lelaki


-To improve mentality and characters of Malaysians by designing a method that consists of variety of programs in local branch, within Hi-Com members and Club level.


-To sustain the achievement of UMNO NY NJ as The Most Active Kelab UMNO Luar Negara (2009) at Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2009. To maintain good relationship with Majlis President UMNO NY NJ and Secretariat UMNO Kuala Lumpur.

Strength of UMNO NY NJ:

-UMNO NY NJ is a professional club, which has no political influences, that is able to unite all five universities in achieving one goal. These five club branches may be separated by hundreds of miles; however, for the sake of Allah, we contributed our time and money to achieve main objective to benefit Malaysian society in United States. Throughout the whole programs, the club brought us closer; and, by the end of the day, the achievement is vividly beyond our expectations.

Weaknesses and how to improve:

-For the past one year of observation, I, with due all respect, found out that this club, along with its effort to benefit Malaysian society, lacks of management skills. Even though improving management skills seems relatively less significant than improving character of Malaysians, I still think this is an essential step to tackle things as a whole - macro- and microly. We are aware of the importance of manners especially when meeting with dignitaries, so, I would like to suggest a program that can improve our communication/interaction skill. The other thing I want to touch is time management skill. Our punctuality in certain events seems lacking, and this should be set right to make sure that no complication occurs in the future.


Nidzam Fiqry said...

mujur lah ko membe aku,afiq..kalau tak,haram aku nak sokong ko..haha.. ape2 pown,moge dapat m'bantu dalam p'tadbiran negara yg dah semakin nazak sekarang ni di masa hadapan.

Anonymous said...

mcm haram..putera umno ke ko???

Anonymous said...

kuat wei dio maen politik loni...
jgn jadi hantu politik sdah..

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