Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Majlis Presiden Kelab UMNO Luar Negara New York/New Jersey

Majlis Presiden Kelab UMNO Luar Negara New York/New Jersey is an idea that has been in discussion for quite some time. Like an olive, this idea needs to be processed and challenged before it is implemented; or else, what you got only a bitter raw olive. Let me have this honor to introduce to you what this is all about.

The main purpose of this council is to bring together former presidents along with some of exceptional vice presidents of this club to an organized united body. From the time of establishment of Kelab UMNO Luar Negara New York/New Jersey up to now, the direction of this organization is determined by the current president. Since almost all presidents were in power for less than a year, all goals are short-term goals.

This is the time for change. KULN NY/NJ will be having some common, long-term and dedicating goals; and sure enough, these goals will be achieved by the committee at their best.

The council, as long as it still exists as functional advisor, will therefore advise, revise, and remind the committee (if necessary). Moreover, the council, with no mean of interference whatsoever, will ensure the club to be in the right track. As a spin-off benefit, the struggles and ideas of former presidents and their respective teams – that are relevant to the society – will be brought in continuation.

However, current president and his dedicated team have the full right to make decision and necessary maneuver during his term of service. What presented as follows are the some of the basic guidelines:

1) Allah & His Messenger above all.

2) Commitment to justice; avoidance of injustice

3) Will not contradict constitution of Malaysia

4) Utilization of youngsters’ potential to the fullest

I personally hope, this change, along with the uncountable contribution of our former committees will actuate us in a good direction.

Minda Merdeka, Jiwa Muda

Muhammad Redzuan Khairun


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