Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Vote here!

Voting Description

Assalamualaikum guys, this is the online voting that we were talking about. I am sure you guys have already reviewed our candidates’ manifestos and track records; so, it is now up to you to vote and choose your leader wisely.

Unlike other voting systems, our system requires you to vote for each candidate in priority list. In a scale 1 to 3, 1 is being the most deserved one (to be leader) and 3 is the least favorite, you are asked to enter your score.

For example, we have 3 candidates: A, B and C. You think B has almost everything it takes to be a good leader, A is so-so, while C does not appear promising to you. Well, just put 1 for B, 2 for A and the score for C is obviously 3. Simple enough?


We are interested to know what you guys think about us. We are asking you guys a very huge favor. Could you guys please, for the sake of better committees, complete the short survey at the very beginning of our voting? Your consideration is highly appreciated and we would like to thank you in advance.

Happy voting!

Minda Merdeka Jiwa Muda

Muhammad Redzuan Khairun

Ketua SPR dah...presiden yang nak resign daahh..

p/s:Nana pun SPR jugak. ngn Rabi'ah dan Erin


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