Friday, September 16, 2011

Election is around the corner!

Assalamualaikum guys,

I guess the title says it all. Current KULN NY-NJ High Coms is nearing their end of term. There will be more energetic fresh faces to fill up the high-up positions. On behalf of current high coms and Majlis Presiden KULN NY/NJ, I would like to congratulate these candidates for their courage to compete for presidency. These leaders are:

1. Syed Aliff Ikram Syed Mazlan (UB)
2. Muhammad Afiq Hassan (Stevens)
3. Nazrul Abd Mutalib (RIT)

We will see their manifestos(click here) by this Saturday.

May I remind you that we will be having election this coming Wednesday. It will be online voting from 7pm-10pm. Details about election will be up soon. So, please choose your leader wisely.

I am sure the new high coms will be more organized, RESPONSIBLE, committed and hardworking. I personally hope that you guys will fulfill your promise and be aware of the responsibility you have on your shoulders.

p/s: I hope nobody will mess up this time.

Minda Merdeka Jiwa Muda

Muhammad Redzuan Khairun
The Lame Duck


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