Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sehari bersama kanak-kanak Rumah Nur Salam

After less than a week of planning, Alhamdulillah we managed to pull off the event. I would like to express my gratitude to Sekreteriat Kelab UMNO Luar Negara for 'sumbangan duit raya' and the freebies, and to Perbadanan Putrajaya, for the free tram and tour guides services in Taman Botani. And gazillion thanks to Chakri Express in Alamanda, Putrajaya for sponsoring the 'berbuka puasa' for 25 children. Also to JM Bariani, for the 10% discount. Thanks to the sponsors for making the event a success.

To kanak-kanak Rumah Nur Salam, thank you for touching our hearts, in a very special way, and you all shall not be forgotten. Thanks for spending a day with us. A memorable day, indeed.


Shahrir said...

thanks to those who were coming! I am really proud of u guys!

Mim said...

Congratz you guys! That was such a wonderful event. Keep it up :)

Shahrir said...

thanks mim!

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