Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Personal thanks

To all facilitators of Summer Camp 2009,

Thanks for your participation, effort, and enthusiasm throughout this camp. I would like to thank you guys personally for inspiring me in a very unique way. Those days we spent together meant a lot to me-I saw something, and I learned something. Instead of motivating people, I myself was motivated.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

p/s: As I am writing this, I am talking to Farahwahida from SMK AB, and she said she could see changes in her friends who went to the camp. That's something, right? Alhamdulilah. We all hope that the spirit lives on and eventually they will excel in their SPM. InsyaALLAH.



lili said...

saya setuju, dgn farawahida.saya pun rasa semangat untuk further study kat oversea dah berkobar-kobar.....hope this spirit will last until we achieve our dreams...thanx to all facilitators for ur big contributions!

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