Monday, August 10, 2009


Dear friends,

It was such a great experience to spend 5 days in Mersing with you and our adik-adik. I totally enjoyed myself and I hope you did too. Many thanks for your hard work and enthusiasm! My heartiest congratulations go to the committee members and facilitators and it would be fair for me to mention these names, Haidhar, Shahrir, Dila and Aishah for extra credit.

Many students expressed their problems about English skills. They felt that 2 years is not sufficient for them to improve their academic performance and so I suggested to them to do Diploma at UiTM which normally takes about 2-3 years. After that they can apply for scholarship/loan from MARA to go abroad. In this way, they have relatively a longer time after SPM to better prepare themselves before they go overseas. Abg. Raz suggested that they register for English courses conducted by well-established organizations such as British Council.

I hope to see we can develop this program to be as good as Projek Kalsom, if not better. In the future, it might be a good idea to seek collaboration from other UMNO clubs in the US, so that we can have a bigger fund. This might also solve the problem of getting more female facilitators for the program.

The true success of this Summer Camp will be achieved when the students receive their SPM results. The biggest success of this Summer Camp will be achieved when a portion of these kids secure scholarships to pursue their dreams! Let’s make sure that they are moving in the right direction by keeping in touch with them.



p/s: I would like to suggest that we go to Sabah for next year’s Summer Camp. Air Asia has cheap tickets right?


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