Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An honest response from Suhaili Saim (participant for Summer Camp 2009)

Dear folks,

I just received an email from Suhaili Saim, one of the participants from Summer Camp 2009. I think it would be appropriate for me to post her views in regards to Summer Camp 2009. Her email is as follows (I did not change anything)

Saya lili,peserta summer camp.1st of all,selamat menyambut ramadhan.....lili nak sampaikan the biggest thank you to you and all facilitators summer camp 09 aritu.camp tu memang different drpd camp laen and bagi kesan bermakna kat kitorang.thanx coz sudi share experiences yg buat kitorang makin bersemangat nak jejakkan kaki kat negara org and cube dptkan ilmu kat sana.kami students smssi and anjung batu rasa beruntung sgt coz dpt peluang yg mungkin cume sekali seumur hidup ni.Alhamdulillah......saya dpt rasakan positive changes kat diri kitorang.teruskanlah usaha2 cam ni pd masa2 akan datang InsyaAllah lebih ramai remaja akan dapat benefits same cam kitorang.sbnrnye students lebih suke camp santai and x terlalu byk peraturan yg mengikat cam ni.sebab tu kitorang bole rasa input yg byk dari camp ni.furthermore,dgn facis yg best2 and xtiviti yg interesting kitorang enjoy dlm mase yg same.so,mmg all of you totally understand our lives as teenagers.congrates again! lastly,doakanlah kejayaan kami dlm SPM taun depan and dpt ikut jejak langkah faci2 semua..........Wassalam
Suhaili Saim
Summer Camp '09

So guys, that is something, right?

Shahrir Tamrin


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