Friday, August 28, 2009

KULN NY-NJ in the news!

Mesti capai kadar 8% demi jayakan Wawasan 2020: Najib

Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, berkata Malaysia mesti berkembang pada kadar pertumbuhan tahunan 8 peratus dalam tempoh sepuluh tahun, jika negara ini mahu mencapai status negara maju menjelang 2020.

"Pertumbuhan yang kurang daripada itu akan melewatkan pencapaian matlamat kita.

"Contohnya, pertumbuhan tahunan 6 peratus bererti pencapaian status pendapatan tinggi akan lewat selama 10 tahun lagi hingga ke tahun 2030, bukan 2020," kata beliau dalam ucaptamanya pada mesyuarat sulung Majlis Penasihat Ekonomi Negara (NEAC) di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Najib, yang juga menteri kewangan, berkata negara mestilah berusaha dengan gigih untuk mencapai sasaran melayakkan diri bagi ambang semasa Bank Dunia untuk ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi.

Beliau berkata pengembalian semula pencapaian 2008 negara dalam Pendapatan Negara Kasar (GNI) menunjukkan Malaysia akan menduduki tempat ke-85 pada paras hampir AS$7,000.

Sementara itu ambang semasa Bank Dunia bagi ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi ialah hampir AS$12,000 dan mengikut kadar pertumbuhan yang diunjurkan, ia akan mencapai lebih AS$17,000 menjelang 2020.

Untuk mencerminkan dengan lebih jelas perdagangan dunia yang semakin terbuka, Najib berkata Bank Dunia kini menggunakan GNI, dan bukan lagi Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (GDP) untuk membandingkan negara-negara bagi tujuan analisis.

Menggunakan GNI ada baiknya kerana ia mencerminkan pertumbuhan modal yang benar-benar milik Malaysia tanpa persepsi berat sebelah yang dicetuskan oleh pelaburan asing di negara ini.

Untuk mencapai status itu, kata Najib, Malaysia mestilah bukan sahaja berkembang maju malah juga bertindak dan wujud dalam cara yang mencerminkan status itu.

Perdana menteri berkata ada ukuran sosial dan kualiti hidup yang penting diambil kira bila menentukan objektif dan kejayaan negara.

Katanya, usaha Malaysia untuk mencapai status negara maju akan bergantung kepada dua kriteria.

"Yang pertama memerlukan pencapaian yang melebihi ambang untuk menjadi ekonomi berpendapatan lebih tinggi dan kedua, sebagai sebuah ekonomi maju, kita mestilah mencapai peningkatan prestasi indeks pembangunan manusia Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF)," kata perdana menteri.

Menjelaskan lebih lanjut pada satu sidang akhbar kemudiannya, Perdana Menteri berkata kerajaan tetap komited terhadap usaha mencapai Wawasan 2020.

"Ternyata, kita perlu membuat perkiraan semula tentang apa yang boleh dicapai dan dikekalkan, memandangkan persekitaran ekonomi global sekarang, yang jauh berbeza daripada masa kita mengilhamkan Wawasan 2020, mengalami krisis kewangan Asia 1997/98 dan sekarang krisis ekonomi global.

"Memandangkan andaian serantau tentang persekitaran ekonomi global telah agak banyak berubah, semua rancangan kini mestilah anjal dan disemak semula disebabkan oleh keadaan global yang berubah-ubah, tetapi kita mesti mengharunginya untuk mencapai matlamat kita," tegas Najib.

Perdana menteri berkata NEAC akan membantu kerajaan merumuskan rancangan untuk mengubah negara menjadi negara berpendapatan tinggi dan mencapai Wawasan 2020.

"NEAC akan cuba mencapai sasaran masa ini. Ia akan mengumumkan laporan pertamanya sebelum akhir tahun ini dan laporan kedua, yang melibatkan pelaksanaan, akan dikeluarkan enam bulan selepas itu," katanya. BERNAMA

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Salam Perantauan KULN NY NJ

Menjelang syawal ini, Kelab Umno Ny Nj akan menyiarkan gambar-gambar pelajar- pelajar di sekitar New York dan New Jersey di blog ini. Kepada sesiapa yang berminat untuk menghantar gambar-gambar lagak raya masing-masing, hantarkan email kepada,diskripsi gambar dan pesanan ringkas anda.

Jemputan ini terbuka kepada sesiapa sahaja.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An honest response from Suhaili Saim (participant for Summer Camp 2009)

Dear folks,

I just received an email from Suhaili Saim, one of the participants from Summer Camp 2009. I think it would be appropriate for me to post her views in regards to Summer Camp 2009. Her email is as follows (I did not change anything)

Saya lili,peserta summer camp.1st of all,selamat menyambut ramadhan.....lili nak sampaikan the biggest thank you to you and all facilitators summer camp 09 tu memang different drpd camp laen and bagi kesan bermakna kat kitorang.thanx coz sudi share experiences yg buat kitorang makin bersemangat nak jejakkan kaki kat negara org and cube dptkan ilmu kat sana.kami students smssi and anjung batu rasa beruntung sgt coz dpt peluang yg mungkin cume sekali seumur hidup ni.Alhamdulillah......saya dpt rasakan positive changes kat diri kitorang.teruskanlah usaha2 cam ni pd masa2 akan datang InsyaAllah lebih ramai remaja akan dapat benefits same cam kitorang.sbnrnye students lebih suke camp santai and x terlalu byk peraturan yg mengikat cam ni.sebab tu kitorang bole rasa input yg byk dari camp ni.furthermore,dgn facis yg best2 and xtiviti yg interesting kitorang enjoy dlm mase yg,mmg all of you totally understand our lives as teenagers.congrates again! lastly,doakanlah kejayaan kami dlm SPM taun depan and dpt ikut jejak langkah faci2 semua..........Wassalam
Suhaili Saim
Summer Camp '09

So guys, that is something, right?

Shahrir Tamrin

Sehari bersama kanak-kanak Rumah Nur Salam

After less than a week of planning, Alhamdulillah we managed to pull off the event. I would like to express my gratitude to Sekreteriat Kelab UMNO Luar Negara for 'sumbangan duit raya' and the freebies, and to Perbadanan Putrajaya, for the free tram and tour guides services in Taman Botani. And gazillion thanks to Chakri Express in Alamanda, Putrajaya for sponsoring the 'berbuka puasa' for 25 children. Also to JM Bariani, for the 10% discount. Thanks to the sponsors for making the event a success.

To kanak-kanak Rumah Nur Salam, thank you for touching our hearts, in a very special way, and you all shall not be forgotten. Thanks for spending a day with us. A memorable day, indeed.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Lawatan & Majlis Berbuka Puasa Bersama Kanak-Kanak Rumah Nur Salam

Dear folks,

We are planning to have a "LAWATAN & MAJLIS BERBUKA PUASA BERSAMA KANAK-KANAK RUMAH NUR SALAM." The purposes of this project are as follows:

1. Mendedahkan kepada ahli kelab tentang golongan kurang bernasib baik melalui pengalaman dan informasi yang dapat dipelajari dalam aktiviti ini.

2. Menggalakkan aktiviti-aktiviti sihat disamping memupuk nilai-nilai murni yang boleh membina jati diri ahli kelab selaras menjana minda yang cerdas dan cergas.

3. Mengeratkan silaturrahim antara ahli kelab dengan masyarakat setempat.

4. Melahirkan ahli-ahli kelab yang prihatin dan bertanggungjawab terhadap anggota masyarakat setempat.

Here are the details of the program. Feel free to go through...

Tarikh : 23 Ogos 2009 (Ahad)

Masa : 3.00 – 6.00 petang (Lawatan ke Taman Botani)

6.00 – 8.00 malam (Majlis berbuka puasa)

Tempat : Taman Botani, Putrajaya

Peserta : 40 orang kanak-kanak

10 orang staf/pengiring

So, those who are interested to join this Charity Work, please feel free to contact me at (019-7293177) or Dila at (017-5531923)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Alif Ba Ta 2009

Dear folks,

Any topics for this year Alif Ba Ta? Any competent speakers you want to suggest to us?? Please drop ur ideas at the comment section below or feel free to email me at

So far, few suggested to me that we discussed VISION 2020 for this year program!



Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Million of Thanks to OUR SPONSORS!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Online Forum??

Dear folks,

What do you think if we set up an online forum just for the participants of Summer Camp 09. By doing that, we can keep in touch with the students while at the same time we are able to share knowledge and experience w/ them. Any better ideas? Just drop it at the comment section below.

One Big Family!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Personal thanks

To all facilitators of Summer Camp 2009,

Thanks for your participation, effort, and enthusiasm throughout this camp. I would like to thank you guys personally for inspiring me in a very unique way. Those days we spent together meant a lot to me-I saw something, and I learned something. Instead of motivating people, I myself was motivated.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

p/s: As I am writing this, I am talking to Farahwahida from SMK AB, and she said she could see changes in her friends who went to the camp. That's something, right? Alhamdulilah. We all hope that the spirit lives on and eventually they will excel in their SPM. InsyaALLAH.


Monday, August 10, 2009


Dear friends,

It was such a great experience to spend 5 days in Mersing with you and our adik-adik. I totally enjoyed myself and I hope you did too. Many thanks for your hard work and enthusiasm! My heartiest congratulations go to the committee members and facilitators and it would be fair for me to mention these names, Haidhar, Shahrir, Dila and Aishah for extra credit.

Many students expressed their problems about English skills. They felt that 2 years is not sufficient for them to improve their academic performance and so I suggested to them to do Diploma at UiTM which normally takes about 2-3 years. After that they can apply for scholarship/loan from MARA to go abroad. In this way, they have relatively a longer time after SPM to better prepare themselves before they go overseas. Abg. Raz suggested that they register for English courses conducted by well-established organizations such as British Council.

I hope to see we can develop this program to be as good as Projek Kalsom, if not better. In the future, it might be a good idea to seek collaboration from other UMNO clubs in the US, so that we can have a bigger fund. This might also solve the problem of getting more female facilitators for the program.

The true success of this Summer Camp will be achieved when the students receive their SPM results. The biggest success of this Summer Camp will be achieved when a portion of these kids secure scholarships to pursue their dreams! Let’s make sure that they are moving in the right direction by keeping in touch with them.



p/s: I would like to suggest that we go to Sabah for next year’s Summer Camp. Air Asia has cheap tickets right?

pics of summer camp

adik-adik sekalian, harap bersabar ye utk menunggu gambar-gambar diupload.fc-fc sedang berusaha mengupload gambar-gambar summer camp utk adik-adik sekalian.terima kasih atas kesabaran!

Summer Camp 2009: It was a SUCCESS!

To all fc's,

I would like to convey my gratitude towards ur commitment and hardworks in ensuring the successful of this program. Personally, I could say that this camp had reached its target, which was to motivate the students to study hard for their SPM. I randomly asked some students and I was really happy to know the fact that they were very motivated to further their studies overseas. Thus, I really hope that all of you could keep in touch with the students since the absolute success for this program can only be determined based on the students' performance in their next year SPM.


Shahrir Tamrin

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lagu Tema: Standing in The Eyes of The World

Yeah...finally, we have decided to make Ella's song, which is "Standing in The Eyes of The World" as our theme song for 'Summer Camp 2009.'
I'm pretty sure all of us have heard this song. Still, for those who have no idea about this song, just youtube it. It's kinda a cool song anyway.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

We have reached our target!


We, members of sponsorship bureau of Summer Camp 2009, are very glad to announce that we have reached our target ($$$$$). Insha Allah, there would be no more financial problem. Yet, we are still working hard to find some more sponsorships. So, to all facilitators, please work harder.

List of our sponsors will be posted very soon. Thanks.

The spirit is mounting!! - To all fc's, please bring your very own camera!

Hi Guys,

We are just few days from the Summer Camp 2009. I'm, personally, are very excited to meet with the facilitators. Honestly speaking, there are some that I have never met before. We do the talking and all stuffs only via internet. So, I hope that we are able to know each other well during the three-day camp.

Anyway, there is one special request from the committee of 'Summer Camp 2009. Every facilitators are encouraged to bring his or her own camera. We are gonna have an interesting game in which we have to use our camera. It's gonna be very fun. Believe me!

p/s: I heard that some of us are planning to have a one night stay at Pulau Tioman!
