Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer Camp Info


Summer Camp 2009 tinggal beberapa hari saja lagi. Sure ramai yang masih confuse2 and blur2 lg pasal kem ni kan? Hopefully e-mail ni akan help and guide you all about what we are going to do during the camp. Attached are info tentang camp, and checklist bnda2 yang perlu diambil tindakan. Please go through them, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or Haidha or Shahrir or sesape je la. Ada beberapa perkara nak cakap:

1. Kami AJK nk buat meeting with ALL the fcs sometime this weekend. Maybe Sat or Sun night. Hopefully semua orang dpt dtg. Paling senang, maybe kt YM. tapi kalau semua ada skype, lagi bagus. Proposed time, Sun, 10 pm. Amcam? Please please respond to this. We need to have a meeting before kite berkumpul kt sane.

2. Updates pasal kem ada di post di blog KULN NY-NJ ni.
Rajin-rajinlah baca OK?

3. Kami memerlukan idea-idea bernas anda untuk membantu menjadikan kem ni as smooth as possible and also untuk memantapkan kem ni. Persiapan dah in final stage but we are still open for ideas. Please please let us know if you see any flaws and also if ade bnde nk perbaiki and tambah.

4. We need no. telefon waris of each of you in case of emergency. You can e-mail me, or message me thru YM. (

p/s: let me know if you can't open docx.

Nur Adilah Mohamed Rosli
Summer Camp 2009.


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