Thursday, July 30, 2009


Due to the current epidemic of the H1N1 virus, the committee of the Summer Camp 2009 has agreed that though we still have fun as planned during the camp, it is important to take these precautionary measures in preventing our camp from becoming a transmitting ground for the virus. Thus, each committee and participant is strongly advised to follow these precautionary steps:

  • Report any illnesses that you’re having, even though the symptoms are mild, to any facilitators.

Symptoms are: Fever, cough, flu, extreme fatigue and/or joint pains.

  • Hand sanitizers are placed strategically in places around the camp. Use them.
  • Do maintain hand cleanliness at all times. Wash your hands at all possible avenues.
  • Cover your sneezes and coughs with a tissue, and throw them into the trash bins. If you don’t have one, use your sleeves.

We hope that these restrictions would not deter you from having fun during the camp. But please, adhere to advisory so that we all could have fun even after the camp.


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