Friday, October 14, 2011

CNN heroes : Narayanan Krishnan

Salam and hi.

This video above is very inspiring.
A man named Narayanan Krishnan had a job but quit his job to serve his community in his hometown.He asked himself what is his purpose of life. If he can serve his guests in his hotel, he should serve those who needs too.  So, he decided to help them by feeding them, cutting their hairs and giving them bath.

From this video, we can see how important for us to care about others that are in needs. They are human being too who need loves and food to live. Even though we may be rich in future, do not neglect those people around you. Lend our hands to help other and by doing so, we can give them hope to stay alive.

In conclusion, as the future leaders, we should take care all the mankind regardless who they are or where they are coming from. Lets change the world and help them to get a better life. At the end of the day, everyone will live happily without having a gap or boundary between the rich and the poor.
Lastly,starts giving and see the joy of giving. (Narayanan Krishnan)


Nabilah Farhana Yahya


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