Wednesday, May 2, 2012

***POSTPONED*** Career Talk #1 : Salaries, Availability of Jobs and Future View Investment

Salam Sejahtera Guys,

Since many of the participants went to RIT, having Friendly Soccer Game, and joined Stevens Hiking Activity, so, we are missing quite number of MASA members for the events. KULN team have decided to postponed this event after the final exams period. We wish you good luck for the final! Give your best shot!

Career Talk #1 : Salaries, Availability of Jobs and Future View Investment 

Date : [After final exams period] TBA soon

Venue : Fielding Room Stevens

Speaker : Mr Arham, Director of MIDA New York

Time : TBA

Participants : RUTGERS and Stevens Students

Special Event : Teach For Malaysia Booth

Objective : 
Focusing more about career, jobs market in Malaysia, investment and building your own company. Informal event about career and then the participants will have their lunch together with the speaker. 

Food will be provided from : Amin's Halal Restaurant/Kennedy Fried Chicken. Graduating senior are most welcome. You can ask anythings about career, or even how to begin your own business in Malaysia.

Afiq Hassan


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