Thursday, May 10, 2012

KULN RIT Career Workshop

Ready for final week? Excited to graduate?

This Saturday, KULN RIT is having a career workshop in preparing ourselves for job interview be it long-term job or part-time on-campus job.

Unless your resume catches the interviewer's eye in 10 seconds it's over, you're done.
So the big question is how do I catch the interviewer's eye? Here comes the best advice on how to get a job interview you'll ever get.

You can also bring your resume to be reviewed!

Speaker : Kathryn Scahill , RIT Office of Co-op and Career Services

Tentative :

11:00-12:00pm : Presentation ; covers resume requirements, cover letter and interview tips
12:00-12:10pm : Break
12:10-12:20pm : Office of Co-op and Career Services session
12:20pm- 12:30pm : Q & A session
12:30-1:00pm : Resume/Cover letter review

Lunch is provided (International Food Market)



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