Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sweat Day @ Rochester Ins. of Technology!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Good Evening!

Best wishes to all of you who still have finals ! 

Need a break after the finals? Want to spend one last time together with the seniors and friends?
We are having Sukaneka ''SWEAT DAY'' this Thursday!
Date: Khamis 24 may 2012
Time: 3pm-5pm
Venue: Padang belakang Gracies

Guess what? We got prizes!

So if you dont have anything planned for this Thursday,come and join the crowd!

Reply this email with team members or inform 

( )


1 team consist of 6 peoples: 3 lelaki 2 perempuan . 

Hadiah dari tempat pertama hingga ke tempat ke-5 . 
Games : 

1) Bawa bola pingpong dalam sudu menggunakan mulut 
2) Isi air dalam botol guna span
3) Cari gula-gula dalam tepung menggunakan mulut 
4) Tarik bola menggunakan gelung 
5) Skipping gelung sambil kaki diikat

p/s: sesiapa yg tiada team boleh datang esok dan kita akan buat team ! hope ramai yg akan join since ini sajalah aktiviti kita bersama-sama sebelum ramai yang akan beredar dari rochester atas urusan masiing-masing :)

Shahrul Fahmi
Team Leader KULN RIT Sport Committees

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Penyerahan Resolusi 1Malaysia Language Fest 2011 & Laporan ALIF BA TA 2012

Saudara Pengerusi Kelab, Afiq Hassan bersama-sama committees yang hadir antaranya Izwan, Nabilah, Amir dan Danial menyerahkan Resolusi 1Malaysia kepada Dato Sri Khaled Nordin.

Penyerahan Resolusi 1Malaysia Language Fest 2011 dan Laporan ALIF BA TA 2012 telah diadakan dengan pertemuan empat mata bersama Menteri Pengajian Tinggi iaitu Dato Sri Khaled Nordin di Manhattan,New York pada May 15th 2012. Daripada perjumpaan tersebut banyak perkara yang dibincangkan termasuk permasalahan pelajar-pelajar luar negara terutama di New York dan New Jersey.

Semoga apa yang kami sampaikan di dalam resolusi tersebut dapat sedikit sebanyak membantu di dalam pembangunan negara Malaysia ke arah lebih baik.

Antara Committees KULN yang hadir bersama membawa Resolusi para pelajar.

Resolusi 1Malaysia Language Fest dan Laporan ALIF BA TA 2012


Monday, May 14, 2012



Thursday, May 10, 2012

Takziah Dari Kami Buat Mr Arham Sekeluarga

Firman Allah S.W.T.:

Tiap-tiap yang bernyawa akan merasai mati, dan bahawasanya pada hari kiamat sahajalah akan disempurnakan balasan kamu. Ketika itu sesiapa yang dijauhkan dari neraka dan dimasukkan ke syurga maka sesungguhnya ia telah berjaya. Dan (ingatlah bahawa) kehidupan di dunia ini (meliputi segala kemewahannya dan pangkat kebesarannya) tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan bagi orang-orang yang terpedaya. – Aali ‘Imraan (3) : 185

Semoga Beliau ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang beriman dan sentiasa dalam barakahMu Ya Allah.


KULN RIT Career Workshop

Ready for final week? Excited to graduate?

This Saturday, KULN RIT is having a career workshop in preparing ourselves for job interview be it long-term job or part-time on-campus job.

Unless your resume catches the interviewer's eye in 10 seconds it's over, you're done.
So the big question is how do I catch the interviewer's eye? Here comes the best advice on how to get a job interview you'll ever get.

You can also bring your resume to be reviewed!

Speaker : Kathryn Scahill , RIT Office of Co-op and Career Services

Tentative :

11:00-12:00pm : Presentation ; covers resume requirements, cover letter and interview tips
12:00-12:10pm : Break
12:10-12:20pm : Office of Co-op and Career Services session
12:20pm- 12:30pm : Q & A session
12:30-1:00pm : Resume/Cover letter review

Lunch is provided (International Food Market)


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gateway To Overseas Program

Salam Sejahtera guys,

We ,KULN NY-NJ team, would like to invite you guys to our next event this Summer! 

Gateway To Overseas Program will be held at Kem BTN Sepang on 22nd - 24th June 2012. The participants are 80 students from SMK Seri Kundang, Rawang, Selangor. The objective for this event solely is to giving back to the country in term of motivating-persuading-supporting high school students in Malaysia to excel in SPM. Since many of us are going back to Malaysia this Summer,why not we gather at the BTN Camp to have fun and being one of the facilitators or coordinators for this event or just hang out with super-duper senior during the event.

We need more facilitator! we need more facilitator!  =)
The more the merrier!!! =)

If any of you guys interested to be a facilitator/coordinator for this event,kindly please contact :
Amir Azmi( ) /
Call/Text : (201)-744-4732

The tentative for the event is : CLICK HERE

best regards,



Wednesday, May 2, 2012

***POSTPONED*** Career Talk #1 : Salaries, Availability of Jobs and Future View Investment

Salam Sejahtera Guys,

Since many of the participants went to RIT, having Friendly Soccer Game, and joined Stevens Hiking Activity, so, we are missing quite number of MASA members for the events. KULN team have decided to postponed this event after the final exams period. We wish you good luck for the final! Give your best shot!

Career Talk #1 : Salaries, Availability of Jobs and Future View Investment 

Date : [After final exams period] TBA soon

Venue : Fielding Room Stevens

Speaker : Mr Arham, Director of MIDA New York

Time : TBA

Participants : RUTGERS and Stevens Students

Special Event : Teach For Malaysia Booth

Objective : 
Focusing more about career, jobs market in Malaysia, investment and building your own company. Informal event about career and then the participants will have their lunch together with the speaker. 

Food will be provided from : Amin's Halal Restaurant/Kennedy Fried Chicken. Graduating senior are most welcome. You can ask anythings about career, or even how to begin your own business in Malaysia.

Afiq Hassan