Monday, January 9, 2012

Upcoming Event : Alif Ba Ta 2012


Salam and hi.

Every year since 2010, we are going to organize Alif Ba Ta. This year, Alif Ba Ta will be held in Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), New York on the 17th, 18th, and 19th February 2012. The committee chose "The Conflict of Generation: The Character and Significance of Student Revivalism" as the theme for this year Alif Ba Ta. 

Our main objective of this theme is to understanding the character and significance of students' revivalism in Malaysia. Thus, we will cover various aspects such as:

  • To advocate the importance of transforming the mentality of ”Malaysian” to be the first class mentality in term of young generations especially 'Mahasiswa'.
  • To acknowledge the must-have role, responsibility, and criteria of young generation in order to create a mature, professional and wise young leaders.
  • To understand the fundamental criteria that are needed to shape the society into better Malaysian through the concept of understanding the emergence and development of students’ revivalism based on economical views.
  • To expose participants with the role of future leader that has a strong correlation with political views and economical awareness.

As a summary, in this program we are mainly targeting young generations especially 'Mahasiswa' who needs to be acquainted with the character and significance of students’ revivalism in Malaysia. The steps for achieving the objective of this program will lead to a better Malaysian, Mahasiswa, Young Entrepreneur and World Leader. It is always the right time to change, and the exact time for students and people to wake up from one dream, challenge them in such a way that could be seen as a forwarding step, towards a better future. These are our dreams, our hopes and our ways to help our ‘Agama’, ‘Bangsa’ and ‘Tanah air’. Alif Ba Ta – take your first step ahead and continue learning.

Lastly, we invite all the students around east region to come and grab the chance to learn to be better Malaysian, Mahasiswa, Young Entrepreneur and World Leader for the future.


0danaPus-te said...

0danaPus-te Sandra Ramirez

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