Friday, November 19, 2010

smile if you wanted to cry.

There was a boy who thought that he was bad in academics. He blamed himself of not getting good grades in class. He was pessimistic about everything that he did. One day, his mother asked him to study hard and try to get good grades, but he replied that he was stupid and idiot. Hearing upon what her son said, she threw herself to her son and hugged him tightly while whispering to him, “NOBODY IS BORN TO BE STUPID”.

Being a pessimist is a bad thing in achieving what you want. It limits your capability to go all out in doing your work. Although being a pessimist is a bad thing, the combinations of pessimistic and optimistic contribute to a wise decision that you will be making. Also, there is a song, which reminds me of a time when I am in depressed and that song is “FIKIRKAN BOLEH”. So, in conclusion, try to be an optimistic person.

“Life is simple; if you're happy everything would turn great, and if you're not happy keep on smiling because something great is coming”. (Zaid Nabil Johari)

Zaid Nabil Johari

Chemical Engineering 2012

Stevens Institute of Technology


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