Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A glimpse of Alif Ba Ta

Alif Ba Ta is an annual event for NY-NJ UMNO Club. Indeed, it was founded by Mr. Nabil, the first President of this club, about two years ago. The first one was held in Stevens Inst. of Technology, New Jersey. Meanwhile, the second one was conducted in State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo.

This event was held based on following reasons:

  • To expose the Malaysian students, especially those who are studying in NY-NJ region, with crucial issues. The issues could be anything happening in Malaysia or any part of the world. Mostly, the issues were chosen based on the interest of the students.
  • To strengthen relationship between the Malaysian students. This would be an event in which students can establish their network among themselves.
  • To be a platform in which students could voice out their opinions and concerns with no fear. Students are encouraged to take this opportunity to actively engage in discussing crucial issues.
  • To propose better solutions for any problems rose during the discussion.

The number of students attending this program varies from one year to another. Like last year, there were about 80 students joined this program. Meanwhile, for this year, we expect more or less the same number as we had last year. Anyway, the decision on how many students to join this year program is to be made by the selected committee.

We did also invite Malaysian speakers, who are residing in States, for the last two years. So far, we didn’t pay anything to these speakers instead of their transportation and accommodation expenses.

That’s all that you need to know about Alif Ba Ta Program. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions regarding this program. You can contact me at


Shahrir Tamrin


Uterstacu-ji said...

Uterstacu-ji Carmen Williams

svervaev_bo said...

svervaev_bo Pamela Torres Download

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