Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Click on the poster to enlarge it

Oleh kerana sambutan yang amat menggalakkan, Pihak Kelab UMNO NY-NJ mengambil keputusan untuk melanjutkan tarikh tamat Photo Contest 2009. Tarikh 30 September dengan ini dilanjutkan kepada 15 Oktober 2009 bagi memberi lebih masa untuk para peserta mengambil gambar. Untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai pertandingan ini, sila lawati ke poster asal pertandingan ini di alamat berikut:

Akhir kata, Selamat Berjaya !!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

We May Not Achieve Vision 2020 On Time Unless..

Malaysia May Not Achieve Vision 2020 On Time - Dr Mahathir

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 29 (Bernama) -- Malaysia might not be able to achieve its Vision 2020 on time, if it does not change its strategy and remains dependent on foreign direct investments, says former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He said Malaysia should focus on developing major local companies that have the potential to produce their own brands and compete in the global market

"The government must identify these companies and help them grow by lending them money with low interest rate.

"The profit they make will go back to us, the workers and the country," he said during the 14th Civil Service Conference here on Tuesday.

He also said workers at all levels must be paid higher wages but by doing so they must be more productive.

"Then only the industry can produce in greater volumes, gain more profit and contribute to the country's revenue," he said.

Mahathir said Malaysia should become a medium or high cost country because it cannot compete with countries such as China and Taiwan who could offer lower cost manpower and resources to foreign investors.

Speaking to reporters following the event, he said Malaysia was capable of becoming a developed country but might exceed the set time of 2020 due to the global economic downturn which has affected the country.

"However, if we focus on developing local companies and not depend on foreign investments, it will not be impossible to achieve it in the given time," he said.

He also said the fixing of minimum wages and increasing pay will not pay off if there was no restructuring as it could make the situation worse especially if productivity levels remain low.

On the 1Malaysia concept introduced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Mahathir said the people, especially the younger generation must be given the opportunity to mingle and study together and build up friendships with different races.

"During my time we had more opportunities to make friends with other races," he said.



Sunday, September 27, 2009

Majlis Makan Malam Bersama Datuk Anifah Bin Haji Aman

Pada hari Sabtu, 27 September 2009, pihak Consul General Malaysia telah menganjurkan sesi makan malam bersama Menteri Luar Malaysia (Minister of Foreign Affair), Datuk Anifah Bin Haji Aman dan isterinya Datin Siti Rubiah. Makan malam tersebut bertempat di Permanent Mission Malaysia di Manhattan, NYC. Menggantikan YAB Dato' Seri Najib Razak, Datuk Anifah kini sedang dalam rangka kerja menghadiri Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) yang juga berlangsung di New York. Majlis makan malam tersebut turut dihadiri Duta Malaysia ke Amerika, Datuk Seri Jamaluddin Jarjis, professional-professional dan pelajar-pelajar Malaysia dari sekitar NY, NJ dan Connecticut.

Dalam ucapan ringkasnya, Datuk Anifah menegaskan pentingnya semangat perpaduan walaupun berbeza kaum. Beliau menyeru supaya semangat 1Malaysia disambut baik oleh semua. Beliau juga menyeru para professional dan pelajar yang menetap di US supaya tidak melupakan tanah air Malaysia walaupun sudah berjaya mencipta nama di US.

Selain itu, beliau juga ade menyentuh beberapa isu hangat seperti hubungan Malaysia dan Indonesia ekoran isu Tarian Pandet baru-baru ini, cabaran dan peluang dalam hubungan Malaysia dan amerika Syarikat, penubuhan pasukan Formula One (F1) Malaysia untuk Grand Prix tahun hadapan dan juga serba-sedikit mengenai keadaan pandemik H1N1 di Malaysia.

Serba sedikit info mengenai Datuk Anifah Aman:

-Lahir pada 16 November 1953
-Asal Keningau,Sabah
-Portfolio sekarang: Menteri Luar Malaysia (Minister of Foreign Affair)
-Portfolio yang pernah dipegang: Timbalan Menteri Perusahaan, Perladangan dan Komoditi.
-Adik kepada Ketua Menteri Sabah yang sekarang, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Aman.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Dear fellow MUSLIMS,

On behalf of UMNO NY-NJ Club, I would like to wish all of u a "Happy Eid." May GOD bless and forgive us. I really hope that all of us would take this opportunity to know each other.

p/s: Our Club is planning to have "Hari Raya" celebration soon! I'll confirm the date later!


Shahrir Tamrin

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Friday, September 11, 2009

Kedai Kopi Pak Nab is Coming Soon!

Hey folks,

"Kedai Kopi Pak Nab" will be meeting u guys soon. Unlike before, this program will be held both in Stevens & RIT..So, be prepared! Besides, we are also very glad to announce that we've set up a committee just to supervise the progress of this event. The members of this committee are as follows:

1) Zaid Nabil (Stevens)
2) Haris Arisyi (Stevens)
3) Fauzana Kasim (RIT)
4) Nur Adilah Rosli (RIT)

Thus, we do really expect a full support from all of u..We need your opinions and criticisms in regards to this program


Monday, September 7, 2009

Selamat Datang Datuk Seri Dr. Jamaluddin Jarjis ke USA

Pada 4th September 2009 (Jumaat), pihak Malaysia Permanent Mission di Manhattan telah menganjurkan jamuan Iftar dan solat Tarawikh sempena kedatangan duta baru Malaysia ke Amerika, iaitu Datuk Seri Dr. Jamaluddin bin Mohd. Jarjis aka Datuk Jay Jay. Beliau sebelum ini pernah menjadi Menteri Sains, Innovasi dan Teknologi dari 2004-2008. Beliau kini masih lagi Ahli Parlimen Rompin.

Serba sedikit mengenai Datuk Jay Jay:

-Lahir 25 May 1951 di Pekan, Pahang.
-Parlimen: Rompin, Pahang
-Isteri: Datin Sri Dr. Kalsom Ismail.
-Mempunyai 4 orang anak.
-Jawatan yang pernah dipegang:
1) Menteri Kewangan Kedua
2) Menteri Perdagangan Domestik dan Hubungan Pengguna
3) Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi.

Oleh itu, pihak Kelab UMNO NY-NJ ingin mengucapkan


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pics for Summer Camp 2009


As i have promised to u, i have uploaded some pics on facebook..

Do enjoy those pics & videos..Do add if you have pics to be shared w/ others..OK??

Shahrir Tamrin

Friday, September 4, 2009

Alif Ba Ta 2009 Hicom

Alif Ba Ta @RIT sneak peek.

Proposed venue: Rochester Institute of Technology
Proposed date: October 31st & November 1st 2009


Project Director




Activity Planning Team

Promotion & Showtime Team

Accomodation & Transportation Team

Technical & Support Team

Registration & Souvenirs Team

Food & Refreshment Team


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A glimpse of Alif Ba Ta

Alif Ba Ta is an annual event for NY-NJ UMNO Club. Indeed, it was founded by Mr. Nabil, the first President of this club, about two years ago. The first one was held in Stevens Inst. of Technology, New Jersey. Meanwhile, the second one was conducted in State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo.

This event was held based on following reasons:

  • To expose the Malaysian students, especially those who are studying in NY-NJ region, with crucial issues. The issues could be anything happening in Malaysia or any part of the world. Mostly, the issues were chosen based on the interest of the students.
  • To strengthen relationship between the Malaysian students. This would be an event in which students can establish their network among themselves.
  • To be a platform in which students could voice out their opinions and concerns with no fear. Students are encouraged to take this opportunity to actively engage in discussing crucial issues.
  • To propose better solutions for any problems rose during the discussion.

The number of students attending this program varies from one year to another. Like last year, there were about 80 students joined this program. Meanwhile, for this year, we expect more or less the same number as we had last year. Anyway, the decision on how many students to join this year program is to be made by the selected committee.

We did also invite Malaysian speakers, who are residing in States, for the last two years. So far, we didn’t pay anything to these speakers instead of their transportation and accommodation expenses.

That’s all that you need to know about Alif Ba Ta Program. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions regarding this program. You can contact me at


Shahrir Tamrin

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy "Merdeka" Day!

Dear folks,

I think it's not very late for me to wish Happy "Merdeka" Day to all Malaysians. This day is very historical and thus, it should be celebrated in a very positive way by all of us. I really hope that our country will be blessed by God, now and forever, and successfully move forward in achieving Vision 2020. Hence, it's our task to strengthen the unity among us, by keeping aside our differences. Also, I would like to convey my heartful thanks towards our leaders, who have been working very hard for the people.

Once again, Happy "Merdeka Day" to all Malaysians. May God bless us!

Shahrir Tamrin