Sunday, October 24, 2010

greeting from the new president.

When I first got offered to be General Secretary of Kelab UMNO Luar Negara (KULN) NY/NJ, which was approximately two years ago, I almost rejected the offer. Why? It was because I don’t want to be associated by so-called “Politic”. Yet, years after years, my view towards this club has dramatically changed. I figured out that this is totally NOT, like what I’ve suspected before, a one-sided fully propagandist political club.

If you ask me personally what KULN is, I may come with the answer as follows. KULN is a leadership club that is, free from any direct political influence or propaganda, to change oppressed minds to free ones by acceptable, recognized, wise and promoted means. Remember, I did not just simply make it up yet that was how I define what KULN really is.

I know some of us have been jaundiced when the name of the club has some unavoidable association with particular political party in Malaysia. I totally don’t blame you because I WAS prejudicing too! Well, it has been our objective to keep this club clean from any outside (especially specific political-interest) influence. This is the club that promotes professionalism, critical-reasoning, and leadership. Therefore, the activities that are arranged throughout the term must meet these criteria.

By this medium, involvement in KULN, we also set up the goal to change oppressed state of minds to free ones. We are all blessed to be given chance to be here in USA – a nation where most of the people, even though some of them are not, are free! So we have to take advantage of being in States to set up programs and implement practical steps to free our mind. But, we are not going to free our mind without any base; everything we do must have the guidelines (i.e religion, academic, Malaysian Constitution etc).

That is all I can say what KULN in this simple article. I am just hoping the best for us. Truly, everything happens, no matter it is a grief or joy, is what best for us. Thank you.

Muhammad Redzuan Khairun

President of KULN NY/NJ 2010/2011


alchemistar said...

its not political you said? then why is it you guys have a representative at the UMNO general assembly? and he said things that are considered politically bias and prejudiced. please refer here

redzuan said...

mister, i just want to know where you got this information. as far as i know, we did not send any representative to UMNO GA.

Anonymous said...

i agree 100% with redz. other KULN might be 'political' in some ways but certainly not KULN NY-NJ. Political preferences aside, we are in the club to promote leadership skills, and thanks to the club, i learned exceptionally a lot. sorry we can't get away from the name. God knows why they want us to use that name but what the heck as long as we get to learn.

........... said...

@taufiq:"dalam setandan pisang, tak semuanya rosak!" i think it's unfair to judge the club from what others are doing..simply look from the club activities (kalo ada lah)..and i think actions speak louder than words..thanks for the concern, anyway.. ;)

alchemistar said...

first of all please do read the link that i've provided. second, I'm not saying that NYNJ branch that sent the representative but the general KULN (Indonesia branch for that matter), get what I mean here? In your article you said that KULN is not political and I quote "FREE from any direct political influence or propaganda". By the way the name itself, kelab UMNO luar negara, UMNO!? Don't you see?
and shahrir, I'm not saying that KULN is rosak or xbagus or what, I'm just saying that your club is politically influenced. Thats all. I hate people who say things that they aren't and afraid to admit the real things.
ps: and dila herself said, and I quote "i agree 100%" then contradict it with "KULN (in general) might be 'political' in some ways". Get it?

........... said...

@taufiq: u're true if we just read it by line..see it in context..i'm guessing, when Redz said this club, he refers to KULN NY/NJ..i might be wrong..yet, if my interpretation was right, then we're free from any political influence..and of course, we aren't afraid to say who we are..(well, we did say it thru our activities)..

@redz: we should stop all this philosophical talking..i think u guys should start concentrating on the activities..u can convince the students by doing "unbiased" activities..that should be better..

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