Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kedai Kopi Pak Nab in RIT & Rutgers!

Dear folks,

"Kedai Kopi Pak Nab - First Round" has been successfully launched in both RIT & Rutgers. I was told that the participations in both university were encouraging. Oh well, I'd like to congratulate all the individuals who have been working so hard as to ensure the successful of this program in their respective universities. TQ so much.

Anyway, the topics that have been discussed in both universities are as follows:

1)vision 2020, is it still relevant?
2)democracy: a flawed system?
3)PPSMI: a step backwards?
4)religion role in changing the mindset of people

p/s: Stevens students would also have Kedai Kopi in two-week time.

* I will also upload the photos and videos of these Kedai Kopi soon.

Shahrir Tamrin


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