Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pre-Midwest Games at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

Tarikh : 24 April 2009 , 8pm-11pm
Tempat : Student Life Center Gymnasium, RIT
Jumlah Peserta : 40 orang

Tujuan Program :

1) Sebagai persiapan fizikal, stamina dan mental untuk menghadapi
Midwest Games 2009 di U of Illinois pada 23-25 May 2009 akan datang.
2) Merapatkan hubungan silaturrahim di kalangan ahli-ahli kelab.
3) Menggalakkan budaya bersukan di kalangan peserta.
4) Menyediakan platform untuk pelajar meredakan ketegangan belajar
lebih-lebih lagi menjelang Final Exam.

Aktiviti-Aktiviti :

1) Pertandingan futsal
2) Pertandingan bola tampar
3) Barbeque

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Nowadays, the most favorite topic of discussion among the people is all about the "CHANGE." But, do the people really understand  the actual definition of "CHANGE?" I sincerely hope that those who are persistently insisting for "CHANGE" know what they are fighting for. I sincerely hope that this demand of "CHANGE" would not be just a rhetorical slogan.

Yet, for me, before we're going further on the "CHANGE" agenda, we should look back on these 5 basic values of society.

1. Security
2. Freedom (should be defined very clearly) 
3. Rules
5. Welfare

By hook or by crook, all these five core values must be guaranteed so that the people can live happily and peacefully. Only then, the "CHANGE" agenda could take place. However, my question is, how are we gonna uphold these 5 values? I'll open this question to be discussed by those who do really care about the future of our country. 



Sunday, April 5, 2009

We Are The Best!

On behalf of the UMNO NY-NJ club members, I would like to congratulate the last year committee for their continuous and persistent hard work as to make this club as successful as it is today. Just for record, OUR CLUB HAS BEEN AWARDED AS ONE OF THE BEST UMNO CLUB FOR THE LAST YEAR SESSION. This result was announced during the “Kursus Kepimpinan 2009,” which was held the last two weeks in PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. So, it is my pleasure to list down names of the last year committee so that their great achievements would be remembered by all the club members. For the present committee, I hope this would encourage us to work harder as to make sure this great legacy left by the previous leaders would at least be maintained by us. Here are the names of the last year committee:

Pengerusi                                : NOORSYAFIQ BIN NAZRI
Timbalan Pengerusi                : UMMI BINTI ABDULLAH
Naib Pengerusi                        : ABDUL QAYYUM BIN ABDUL HALIM
Naib Pengerusi                        : MOHD. GAZALI BIN ABDUL KARIM
Naib Pengerusi                        : ILI AMIRAH BINTI SULAIMAN
Naib Pengerusi                        : MOHD. HISHAMUDDIN BIN ZAKARIA
Setiausaha                               : FATIMAH AL-ZAHRA BINTI NAA’MAT
Penolong Setiausaha               : AHMAD ABDUL BARI BIN MUHAMMAD FIRDAUS
Bendahari                               : MUHD. NUR IHSAN BIN MOHD. NARWAWI
Penolong Bendahari               : NUR ADILAH BINTI MOHAMED ROSLI
Ketua Penerangan                  : MOHD.SHAFIQ BIN ABDUL KADIR
Pen. Ketua Penerangan          MOHD HAZIM AUSAMAH DARWISH


Shahrir Tamrin