Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our role in galvanizing the country to success.

The strength of one nation's future doesn't depend on its current leaders, its past leaders nor the second fiddle leaders of today, but it depends on the youth. In this first post, i like to underline the current goal of us, the future leaders of our beloved country in propelling our country forward.
Whether or not we realize it, our lives has always been about us, how to excel in our studies, how to accumulate the most money, getting the best in our love live, etc. but we fail to realize that these thoughts wouldn't bring any benefit to our goals in developing our country at all.our life for the past 20 years or so has only been mediocre.
In even the slightest hope of modernizing Malaysia, we ought to change our mindset, and that is the most important step of all. The mindset of an unstoppable winner as always been about determination to succeed, championing the truth, hard work, and principles of values. This, is what we have to equip ourselves with during these few years.
Getting to that though is not an easy task by all means, it took 50 years of independence but the mindset of Malaysians are still of the colonial era, and how can only a mere 4 years change the whole inclination of the people. Well, maybe the leaders can do something about it. But the question is, are the future leaders good enough to change?think about that for a moment.
Let's just have a sneak peek into what's in store of a modernized and civilized Malaysia if our minds are all inclined to success:
1. Efficiency rate of workers will go up.
2. Export will go up
3. Market will widen,GDP will increase,
4. A better quality of life.

That is only partial view of the economic effect of a hard-working worker. As the list goes on, imagine what would be the effects of these attributed mind sets of the people. So, change your mindsets from now on. from this moment on, its not about something trivial, its about advancement. From now on, its not about you and you alone, it's about the people as well.

Information Head
(Please feel free to debate on the comments section.cheers!)


Anonymous said...

yes..i definitely agree with the idea that the mindset of young generation should be changed. Yet, i'm still confused about this line "so, change your mindsets from now on. from this moment on, its not about something trivial, its about advancement." There are many terms that are not clearly defined (e.g:advancement, trivial) ...if only u could define them in more detailed way, i guess i would have no reason to disagree with u....

Anonymous said...

yes2.. definitely..

Q said...

what is change? what change should we do? to what degree? what do we need to give up to change???

Anonymous said...

Malaysian, in my experience still in mediocre mindset. "seniority" as it will. OK. Here what I think: (sorry if it is in Malay)

Dalam pembentukan negara maju, 'trust' merupakan satu benda yg sgt penting. bg saya, lebih penting dari generasi muda itu sendiri. Seperti yg digariskan dalam cabaran ke-2 Wawasan 2020, "The second is the challenge of creating a psychologically liberated, secure, and developed Malaysian Society with faith and confidence in itself, justifiably proud of what it is, of what it has accomplished, robust enough to face all manner of adversity. This Malaysian Society must be distinguished by the pursuit of excellence, fully aware of all its potentials, psychologically subservient to none, and respected by the peoples of other nations."
Generasi yang ada sekarang kadang kala memandang serong, seperti ada yang tidak kena menyifatkan ketidak kepercayaan terhadap generasi muda. Jarang sekali melihat yang muda menjadi pemimpin dikalangan yang tua. Obama sebagai contoh. Muda, waktu itu menjadi Senator dan selepas itu menjadi Presiden pula.

pengalaman saya dahulu sewaktu bekerja di kuala lumpur, ditugaskan menganalisis dan menjaga portfolio perlaburan, ditolak oleh seorang pelabur tua bergelar datuk disebabkan waktu itu saya hanya berusia 18 tahun. Soalan saya kepadanya, "adakan mahu saya yang boleh dikatakan expert dalam bidang ini ataupun orang tua yang baru 2 hari pengalaman?".

Persoalannya di sini adalah, relevan manakah kedudukan generasi muda dalam masyarakat malaysia kini? iya, tidak dinafikan sama sekali kerajaan menggerak usaha seribu bahu untuk menjadikan remaja itu berguna, tetapi sebagai apa? Pelan Integriti Nasional, Gerakan Belia Nasional, dan macam2 lagi dilaksanakan dan dijalankan, untuk apa? apakah keberkesanan modal insan itu terhadap kita? kebenarannya, kebanyakan program itu untuk menjadikan generasi muda itu robot, mengikut apa yang diprogramkan supaya tidak menentang dan tidak berfikir aktif (ya, menjadikan remaja itu berfikiran luas tidak bermakna menjadikan dia berfikiran aktif).

air sama air, tanah sama tanah, mana lagi tajam dan mana lagi kotor?

ied center

Anonymous said...

wow..i like this phrase: "menjadikan remaja itu berfikiran luas tidak bermakna menjadikan dia berfikiran aktif." all respective parties should take this statement seriously. as far as we are concerned, there are lots of programs organized for youngsters today, but none of them has been proved to be very successful in producing progressive young people..btw, credit should also be given to those respective parties which have done something for the betterment of our society....

p/s: to all youngsters,our time has come. Let's take an active role in building and developing our beloved nation...

alchemistar said...

Malaysian is afraid of change and that a fact. For me, Malay just know how to speak without any action being done afterward. You said that we need to change, but how?
One more thing, for me, lets change the way we are first before start thinking about changing the course of our nation. Do yourself a favor first.

razaleigh said...

that's exactly it alChemistar, im sorry, but i think you're the type of Malaysian who really needs changing.
You just think of changing yourself without any certain care for the others around you. Success, if there's any anyway,is always about you and not your nation or whatever it is that you believe in.
And you can still question how to change?It would be a disgust to the human being's mind capacity if we defined specifically how change is about for each and every individual in the country because by doing so, not only by doing that doesn't take into account the uniqueness of every situation each individual is in,but it also treats you as mediocre.
So, since you want to be treated as mediocre, let me tell you how to change.Wake up very morning, say your brilliant enough to be in school,and you do actually strive for success, not just talking bull in your comment earlier, and do study, with in mind, that one day you'll do good with the ilmu your getting, not just to find a better job and to enrich yourself, but to help society with that knowledge.Simple enough?sounds boring right?Sounds like you can think of that by yourself.Like you said, do yourself a favor, don't make a fool out of yourself here.

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