Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kedai Kopi [Stevens Institute of Technology]

Kedai Kopi
Date: Feb 8 2012
Time: 4.00-5.30 PM

Main Topic         : The Conflict of Generation: The Character and Significance of Student Revivalism


1. Generations
By meaning of generations in term of the topic given, it can be divided into two categories which are young and old generations. These generations might have different ideology and thinking because of the era they were raised in.

2.    Character and Significant
In our opinion, as overseas’ students, we might have different thinking and ideology compared to the local students on how to teach or advice the government. Some of the ways to do that are through writing letter/memorandum and sends them to the government, and making events to deliver the messages to the government. So, what is the character that is necessary to give significance and contribution to the beloved nation

3.  Student
In a big overview, everyone is a student because everyone is still learning regardless their ages. Learning process is did not stop only in class, but it also includes improving ourselves in our daily life. In the meantime, in a smaller scope, by the mean of student is the youth society who is in the range of the age 40 years and below. On the other hand, the generations with age after 40 years is the generations which are creating the nowadays generations.

4. Revivalism
From what we can see, our generations nowadays did not give much attention and some did not care about the national development. By comparing the youth generations and old generations, we see that the old generations are more patriotic and give more attention towards the nation. Flash back into decades ago, the students were respected and trusted by the society. Their voices were heard and considered to take into actions. Decades ago there were limited numbers of universities; so, to get into these universities was hard and the students had been chosen critically. Not to mention on how to get the chance to study abroad. That is the reason why they are highly respected by the society since they are among the best.

Nowadays, the number of students in certain universities may be large but these students might not have the expected quality of a student. In this case, it is reasonable to have more students selected into the universities in sense of giving a bright future to them but if it is easy to get selected, how can we believed in them? The ideas towards building up the nation given by the old generation’s students also are given priority by the politicians. However, by comparing to the nowadays students, it might be an unwise action to get involve into politics because they are constraint by the AUKU. Consequently, AUKU also make nowadays’ student becoming less patriotic and not much care about the development of nations. The attitude of local students is just struggling to get good grades only rather than to get the knowledge itself.

Characteristics of Malaysians.
·         Throwing trashes everywhere even there are nearest trash can.
Becoming a good example to the others.
·         We cannot critics or tell older people about our ideas because they are seniors. Even though our ideas are better than them.
·         Older generation must accept others opinion or ideas if the ideas are better than their idea.
·         They cannot judge young people like they know nothing about life, works, or anything else.
Baby dumping
·         There are always staring in news and newspaper about this problem.
By acting not only on preventive method but also corrective method as developed by the others countries.

Characteristics of Mahasiswa and Entrepreneur.
The problem with the Mahasiswa and Entrepreneur is the society works only to earn wages solely. It might be good in the sense of getting experiences. However, to build up the economies, we need to be more than wage earner by giving ideas and improvise the company. To boost up the economy, the private sectors should take into actions and not the government. As an example, when unemployment occurs, the government will made up a new sector to reduce the unemployment. The workers for this sector will be paid using the tax revenue. Thus, this will reduce the nation’s tax revenue and slow down the nation’s development. Instead of government, the private sectors should reduce the unemployment by creating jobs. The nation’s tax revenue will be increased by collecting the income tax from these private sectors workers.

Characteristics of World Leader.
Leaderships can be divided into 3 categories which are autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire. Autocratic is like a dictatorship which is he/she makes orders and the others follow the orders without questioning it. Democratic is making decisions by the group and laissez-faire is they are given free hand in deciding their own policies and methods.

We can conclude that we have to change ourselves to be someone who has the right characteristics as a Malaysian, Mahasiswa, Entrepreneur and World Leader.