Monday, November 14, 2011

Stevens Sport's Tournament

As students, we never stop doing our assignments and exams through the week. Weekend is the best time where we should loosen up ourselves a little bit. By playing some games, we can release our pressure and also get the energy back.

So, last Saturday, Steven's KULN had organized the Sport's Tournament. This tournament was participated by all the members. Four homerooms which are blue, red, yellow and green competed against each other to win the volleyball, futsal and dodgeball games. All of them enjoyed themselves very much. After winning these games, the best players will be selected to represent Stevens to compete against Rutgers, RIT and SUNY.
Below are the results from the tournament :

1st - Green team
2nd - Blue team
3rd - Red team
4th - Yellow team

1st - Red team
2nd - Blue team
3rd - Yellow team
4th - Red team

1st - Blue team
2nd - Green team
3rd - Red team
4th - Yellow team

This tournament will be continued at higher level. We will see which university will be named as the champion. Lets wait and see~~

Nabilah Farhana Yahya