Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Election Is Now Around The Corner!

Dear Friends,

I would like to announce that the current committee of Kelab UMNO New York - New Jersey is now dismissed. This dismissal will take effect on January 21, 2009 (Thursday). Hence, we need a fresh election as to choose a new President. Then, the new President will appoint his new committee members. Unlike before in which the election was only restricted to Stevens students, this year election would include three major universities, which are Stevens, RIT, and Rutgers. Thus, I really need your cooperation to choose only a person, whom you think is capable to run this club. Here is the format of this election:


1. The nomination is a week-due process (from Jan 21 - Jan 28)
- for Stevens students, please send your the names to Shahrir at; RIT to Adilah at; Rutgers to Zainal at

2. The nominee with highest nomination for each school will be represeting his/her particular school. It means that during the election, there would be only three candidates, each comes from different schools. In case there are few nominees with the same number of nomination, we, the election committee will choose only one of them whom we think is the best. Of course, there are few means used by us to evaluate them.

3. The nominee can be any person, from Freshies to Upperclassmen. But, a person with vast experience in leadership is preferred.

4. Students can nominate the current committee members to compete in this election. Yet, the CURRENT PRESIDENT IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THIS NOMINATION. Also, these names will be out of nomination since they are the election committee members:

1. Mohamad Shahrir Tamrin (Stevens)
2. Nur Adilah Mohd Rosli (RIT)
3. Nur Fauzana Kasim (RIT)
4. Zainal Lufti (Rutgers)
5. Muhammad Redzuan Khairun (Stevens)


1. Those selected nominees will be given a week (Jan 29 - Feb 4) to promote themselves to others. They can get full access to our official blog for the sake of his/her campaign. Nevertheless, NO MONEY POLITICS IS ALLOWED.

2. These nominees are advised to use this period to explain their vision, and mission as the new President, if elected.

3. No personal attack is allowed!


1. Since the number of students for each universities differs from one to another, there would be a high tendency for students from one particular school to elect their own representatives. Hence, to avoid such immatured action to happen, each students has to vote 2 out of three candidates. Votes with more or less than 2 will be rejected.

2. To ensure that only a very good person is elected, this process will be conducted in the following way:
70 % will come from the election itself.
30 % will come from the election committee itself

3. The date of this election-day will be determined later. (as of now, the suggested date is Feb 6)

Mohamad Shahrir Tamrin